Rehabilitation and capitalization of the tourist and cultural potential of the Frumoasa Monastery Ensemble from Iași Municipality


General objective

Preservation, protection and capitalization of the cultural heritage and cultural identity of the North-East Development Region, in order to stimulate local and regional development.

The church

It was built between 1836-1839, and the painting was completed in 1841. It is an elegant neoclassical building, of monumental dimensions. The planimetry, but especially the four towers arranged in a line that creates the unmistakable profile of the place, show Russian and Ukrainian influences.


The palace on the walls

Located on the northern side of the enclosure, it was built between 1818 and 1819 according to the plans of the architect Martin Kubelca, combining the neoclassical style with elements specific to Moldovan architecture. Inside there is a small chapel dedicated to St. Catherine.


The Palace of the Ladies

It is a massive stone building, with a raised ground floor, vaulted cellars and a gazebo on the east side, located in the southwest corner of the enclosure, representing a current reconstruction of an 18th century building.

The bell tower

It was rebuilt between 1819 and 1833, as the inscription shows, enclosing the old wall base of the 15th century. XVIII (now restored). It has a neoclassical decoration reflecting the Russian fashion of the time.


The enclosure wall

It has been preserved in its shape from the sec. XVIII. It is 4 m high, 0.80 m thick and about 500 m in perimeter. Initially, it also had a guard road.


Str. Radu Vodă nr. 1, 700679 Iași, jud. Iași

+40 232 279457

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